BBiFP | Chartered & Independent

Retirement planning from BBi Financial Planning

Retiring from a full time job is something we will all have to do eventually.

Good financial planning means that when you are retired it’s on your terms, giving you the time and resources to do what you always wanted.

Independent financial advice for your retirement

You know that retirement is more than adverts showing grey-haired couples on a beach. It took work and planning to get here, and while you might not be working full time anymore, that doesn’t mean your responsibilities have ended.

You have the rest of your life to enjoy what you have built. It used to be that you would by an annuity with your pension savings, or start living off your company pension scheme. Now we have extra freedom to spend our retirement money how we wish, but that can come with more planning opportunities to ensure the funds you have worked so hard to save don’t run out too soon. 

Why use BBi Financial Planning?


Our advisers have obtained the highest level of qualification in UK financial services


With decades of experience between them our advisers have seen it all.


We use the best tools available to make sure our research is as good as it gets.


We invest heavily in expert compliance support to ensure our staff and processes are always under scruitiny.


We have relationships with tax and legal experts to provide you with a holistic support network.


A service agreement with us means you will be able to speak to your chartered adviser. You won’t be stranded with someone else.

There is more to being retired than a pension

Your income is obviously the most important thing you need to take care of. We can help with our detailed attitude to risk process which lets us match investment risk to your wants and needs.

We can also help model your future cashflow based on your income and expenses. Cashflow modelling helps us identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in your financial plan, and make the right changes to support you.

Retirement is also a time to consider the future of your estate – have you made plans for your legacy, and what is the most tax-efficient way to pass assets on.

For example, did you know that it can sometimes be best to not to use your pension of you want to save inheritance tax.

BBi Financial Planning can support your retirement

Cashflow planning

It’s impossible to know what will happen tomorrow, but the better prepared you are the less the future shocks will be.

Our cashflow planning tool can model the impact of the smallest changes, but we know how not to overwhelm you with detail, and only show you the things that count.

Manage income risk

Planning for retirement involves accumulating wealth, and then spending the income, but you don’t want to spend too much too soon.

Equally important, you don’t want to spend too little. Money is there for a purpose. We want to help you make the most of it.

Regular reviews

In some ways, retirement may need more regular reviews than ever before. That’s because your earning power has probably diminished, so it’s important to protect and make the most of the assets you have.