Summary of your options
There is a lot to stay on top of when you are aranging an auto enrolment pension scheme for your staff, but many of the issues you face can be handled automatically by payroll and your pensions scheme once you are up and running.
You need to make some decisions about the set-up of your scheme however, so let’s recap these:
- How will you define the salary to be used for contributions?
- Will you use the basic salary or qualifying earnings, or some other method?
- What level of contributions will you pay?
- Will you use the legal minimum or pay more?
- Will you match any contributions your staff pay?
- If so will this be capped or will you match 100% of employee contributions?
- Do you need to postpone your staging date?
- Will you automatically postpone new employees?
Remember, you must provide your staff with a pensions scheme but many of the important details of this scheme are up to you.
Our auto enrolment questionnaire will prompt you for this information and more.