BBiFP | Chartered & Independent

Charlotte loves to bake cakes for the BBIFP team (BBIFP. Fantastic Pastries?), using her favourite rectangular baking tin.

The thing is, with our advisers coming and going all week long there is often only two people left to eat it. Charlotte doesn’t play favourites so she always makes sure to cut the cake exactly in half. You might think this is easy but you would be wrong. Advisers on their way to client meetings always stop for a slice before they leave.

Sometimes it’s one adviser, sometimes the other, and sometimes both. While they are great at their job, financial advisers are not known for their cake-cutting skills, so by the time Charlotte comes to halve the cake there might be a slice or two missing.

The slices could be any shape and any size. Sometimes they cut a piece out the middle because they don’t like the edges.

But without fail Charlotte shares the remaining cake equally by making only a single cut.

How does she do it?

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