BBiFP | Chartered & Independent

Some more good news to round off a brilliant 2018. Our newest adviser, Charlotte Curd, has been welcomed into the Personal Finance Society as the Young Member Secretary for London. Charlotte was voted on to the committee on 14th December 2018.

The Personal Finance Society exists to ‘lead the financial advice community towards higher levels of professionalism’. This includes business skills, technical knowledge and high ethical and behavioural standards.

Our mission is to lead the financial advice community towards higher levels of professionalism.

Personal Finance Society, January 2018

Charlotte joined us as an apprentice in 2015 and quickly passed all the necessary exams to qualify as one of the youngest diploma qualified adviser in the UK.

Charlotte’s new appointment to the Personal Finance Society is a testament not only to her achievements but also to our commitment to continually improve the standard of the advice we deliver.

Coming a week before publication of our new Core Values statement, this is a wonderful finish to a great year.

You can read more about the work of the PFS here, and find Charlotte on Linkedin here.

We look forward to having you with us for 2019.