BBiFP | Chartered & Independent

What is an ISA?

ISA stands for Individual Savings Account. ISAs are highly tax-efficient investments available to anyone over the age of 18.

Income and capital gains are free of tax, and you don’t even have to declare anything on your tax return.

Under current rules you can save up to £20,000 per tax-year, and this can be saved into cash or into a wide range of investment options.

Individual Savings Account (ISA)

Have you thought about what would happen to your income if you were unable to work?

If you’re employed you might only continue to be paid for a short time. If you’re self-employed you might not be able to earn anything.

Income Protection works by replacing a portion of your income after you have been unable to work for several months, or even several weeks.

We will only provide bespoke advice to you in writing but read on to learn more about term assurance and what it can do for you.

Why use BBi Financial Planning?


Our advisers have obtained the highest level of qualification in UK financial services


With decades of experience between them our advisers have seen it all.


We use the best tools available to make sure our research is as good as it gets.


We invest heavily in expert compliance support to ensure our staff and processes are always under scruitiny.


We have relationships with tax and legal experts to provide you with a holistic support network.


A service agreement with us means you will be able to speak to your chartered adviser. You won’t be stranded with someone else.

Benefits of an Individual Savings Account

There are not many tax-free* options when it comes to investing, which makes the humble ISA something special.
An ISA gives you access to tax-free* savings in cash, or the opportunity to invest in thousands of different retail investment funds. There are no restrictions on what you can do with the money, or when you can take it out, so they are very flexible products.
But remember that if you invest via the stock market your capital is at risk and you may get back less than you put in.

(*Strictly speaking, it is not entirely tax-free as tax is paid within the fund, but you do not pay tax on any income or capital gains, and you don’t even need to declare these on your tax return.)

Why choose BBi Financial Planning for your ISA?

Independent Advisers

We are proud of our independence.
It means no-one tells us what to do but you.
You can trust us to put your needs and goals first.

Chartered Professionals

We are a chartered firm and our advisers hold chartered status.
This puts us in the small elite number of firms in the UK, and means we uphold the highest standards.

Bespoke Cover

Our advisers will take the time to understand exactly what you need protected and why, and advise you on the most suitable options for your budget.

Why might an ISA be right for you?

Are you self-employed?

If you are self-employed you won’t have an employer to pay you in the short term if you are unable to work.

Flexible cover to suit your needs

Some accidents might mean you can never work again, but you still have bills to pay. The right income protection policy can replace part of your income for the rest of your working life.

Options to suit you

Do you need your cover to increase or stay level? Do you need it for a short time or the rest of your life? Can you get by without an income for one month or six? We can match cover to your exact requirements.

What are the benefits of Individual Saving Accounts?

Income protection policies can help you maintain your essential income when an accident or illness leaves you unable to work.


Sleep well knowing you have protected your essential spending

We all have bills that have to be paid, such as mortgages or rent. Your income protection cover can be tailored to these essential costs, providing security of income.

Wide investment choice

Cover the essentials or as much as you can afford
Choose options at outset such as your indemnity period and term of cover to control your costs. Or go all in and make sure the cover lasts the rest of your working life.

Generous limits

Reliable cover to maintain your essential income
Insurance can be expensive, but when it is there to help it becomes priceless. You protect your home, your car and your life, but you need an income to pay for everything else. How will you protect that?