BBiFP | Chartered & Independent

Expert Services from BBi Financial Planning

We are a service led business first and foremost.

Financial products are merely tools. The real work of financial planning comes from understanding what it is you want to achieve and what you need to achieve, and helping you prioritise and fulfill these sometimes conflicting demands.

The service we deliver is always the same, but how we deliver it, and the solutions we recommend will always depend on who you are and your unique situation.

Expert financial planning for all

Financial planning and financial advice are terms that encompass a wide range of possible services and products.

Which of these products and services is right for you depends on who you are and what you need.

We’ve divided our services into three broad categories to help you find your best fit.

Watch the video to learn more, carry on reading, or get in touch if you have a question.

Which service is right for you?


Financial Planning is the strategy that underpins your financial life.

If we advise on a product it must always be in service of helping you succeed in your plan.

Our financial planning services are independent of product sales. We may make recommendations but you are never under any obligation.

Families and

This is how we categorise our services for the general public.

Every family and every individual is different with their own special challenges and circumstances.

We work to understand your situation, your needs and tailor our advice to you.

Directors and
Business Owners

If you own or run a business you may have more complicated arrangements, and you may be able to benefit from cost and tax savings by using your business structure to work for you.

We can advise you on how to make the most of your business as part of your financial plan.

Companies and

Private limited companies and self-employed businesses can have their own unique circumstances.

Whether you need a simple workplace pension to a complex share-protection policy to protect the firm, we can help.

You are unique. We are flexible.

We’ve defined our services in these three categories to make it easier for you to understand the types of people we can help.
Of course, our clients can (and do) fall into more than one. We have single clients who run their own businesses, families who need to protect their mortgage, and company directors with complicated pension needs.
If you’re not sure how we can help don’t hesitate to get in touch and see what we can do for you.